home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- *
- * PURPOSE: Converts a .RES file to an .RC file
- *
- * Copyright 1997, Mike Wallace and Pete Davis
- *
- * Chapter 7, Resource (.RES) File Format, from Undocumented Windows
- * File Formats, published by R&D Books, an imprint of Miller Freeman, Inc.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- #include "restypes.h"
- /***************************************************
- Read a byte from infile
- ****************************************************/
- BYTE get_byte(FILE *infile) {
- BYTE ch;
- fread(&ch, sizeof(BYTE), 1, infile);
- return(ch);
- } /* get_byte - end */
- /***************************************************
- Read a word from infile
- ****************************************************/
- WORD get_word(FILE *infile) {
- WORD num;
- fread(&num, sizeof(WORD), 1, infile);
- return(num);
- } /* get_word - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out an integer to outfile
- ****************************************************/
- void write_number(int num, FILE *outfile) {
- fprintf( outfile, "%d ", num);
- } /* write_number - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out a word (unsigned short integer) to outfile
- ****************************************************/
- void write_word(WORD num, FILE *outfile) {
- fprintf( outfile, "%hu", num);
- } /* write_word - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out a dword (unsigned long) to outfile
- ****************************************************/
- void write_dword(DWORD num, FILE *outfile) {
- fprintf( outfile, "%lu", num);
- } /* write_dword - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out a character to outfile
- ****************************************************/
- void write_char(char ch, FILE *outfile) {
- /* if the character is null, write out the string "\0" */
- if (ch == '\0')
- fprintf( outfile, "\\0");
- else
- fprintf( outfile, "%c", ch);
- } /* write_char - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out an unsigned character to outfile
- ****************************************************/
- void write_byte(BYTE ch, FILE *outfile) {
- fputc( ch, outfile);
- } /* write_byte - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out a string to outfile, then add a newline
- ****************************************************/
- void writeline(char *string, FILE *outfile) {
- if(strlen(string))
- fputs( string, outfile);
- fputc( CR, outfile);
- fputc( NL, outfile);
- } /* writeline - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out a string to outfile
- ****************************************************/
- void writestring(char *string, FILE *outfile) {
- if(strlen(string))
- fputs( string, outfile);
- } /* writestring - end */
- /***************************************************
- Increase the INDENT variable value by INDENT_SPACES
- ****************************************************/
- void increase_indent( void ) {
- } /* increase_indent - end */
- /***************************************************
- Decrease the INDENT variable value by INDENT_SPACES
- ****************************************************/
- void decrease_indent( void ) {
- INDENT = 0;
- } /* decrease_indent - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out INDENT spaces to outfile
- ****************************************************/
- void write_indent(FILE *outfile) {
- int n;
- for(n = INDENT; (n); --n)
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- } /* write_indent - end */
- /***************************************************
- If the last stringtable wasn't closed, do so now.
- ****************************************************/
- void finish_off_stringtable(FILE *outfile) {
- if (StringCount)
- writeline("}", outfile);
- } /* finish_off_stringtable - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get name of custom resource
- ****************************************************/
- void get_custom_type( BYTE ch, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- while(ch != 0x00) {
- write_char(ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- } /* get_custom_type - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the resource name from the .res file (infile)
- ****************************************************/
- DWORD write_item_text(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- BYTE ch;
- DWORD length;
- ch = get_byte( infile );
- if(ch == 0x00)
- return(1);
- writestring("\"", outfile);
- length = 1;
- while(ch != 0x00) {
- ++length;
- write_char(ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte( infile );
- }
- writestring("\"", outfile);
- return(length);
- } /* write_item_text - end */
- /***************************************************
- Returns the first new filename of the form
- <prefix>#.<suffix>
- ****************************************************/
- char *get_data_filename(char *prefix, char *suffix) {
- FILE *fp;
- WORD number;
- char fname[13];
- char fname_start[3];
- char fname_end[5];
- int name_length;
- /* form the prefix to the new filename */
- name_length = (strlen(prefix) > 2) ? 2 : strlen(prefix);
- strncpy(fname_start, prefix, name_length);
- fname_start[name_length] = '\0';
- /* form the suffix to the new filename */
- fname_end[0] = '.';
- name_length = (strlen(suffix) > 3) ? 3 : strlen(suffix);
- strncat( fname_end, suffix, name_length);
- fname_end[name_length + 1] = '\0';
- /* Keep forming new filenames until we get to one we can't open */
- number = 0;
- sprintf( fname, "%s%u%s", fname_start, number, fname_end);
- while((number < 1000) && ((fp = fopen( fname, "r")) != NULL)) {
- fclose(fp);
- ++number;
- sprintf( fname, "%s%u%s", fname_start, number, fname_end);
- }
- if(number == 1000)
- fname[0] = '\0';
- return(fname);
- } /* get_data_filename - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out reslen bytes of data to datafile
- ****************************************************/
- void write_data( FILE *infile, FILE *datafile, DWORD reslen ) {
- BYTE ch;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while(reslen) {
- fputc( ch, datafile);
- if(--reslen)
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- } /* write_data - end */
- /***************************************************
- Retrieves the length of the resource from the .res file
- ****************************************************/
- DWORD get_resource_length(FILE *infile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- fread(&reslen, sizeof(DWORD), 1, infile);
- return(reslen);
- } /* get_resource_length - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the resource name from the .res file (infile)
- ****************************************************/
- void get_resource_name(FILE *infile) {
- int resname;
- BYTE ch;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if(ch == 0xFF) {
- fread(&resname, sizeof(int), 1, infile);
- }
- else {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while((!feof(infile)) && (ch != 0x00)) {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- }
- } /* get_resource_name - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the version name from the .res file (infile)
- ****************************************************/
- void get_version_name(FILE *infile) {
- int count=1; /* record number of chars read */
- BYTE ch;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while((!feof(infile)) && (ch != 0x00)) {
- ++count;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- /* Ensure number of characters read is a multiple of 4. */
- /* According to the MS documentation, this is the format. */
- /* See "MS Windows 3.1 Programmer's Reference" Vol.4, p.99 */
- count = count % 4;
- count = (count > 0) ? (4 - count) : 0;
- while ((!feof(infile)) && (count > 0)) {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- --count;
- }
- } /* get_version_name - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the resource number from the .res file (infile)
- ****************************************************/
- WORD get_resource_number(FILE *infile) {
- WORD resname = 0;
- BYTE ch;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if(ch == 0xFF) {
- resname = get_word( infile );
- }
- else {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while((!feof(infile)) && (ch != 0x00)) {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- }
- return(resname);
- } /* get_resource_number - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the resource name from the .res file (infile)
- ****************************************************/
- void write_resource_name(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- int resname;
- BYTE ch;
- writeline( "", outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if(ch == 0xFF) {
- fread(&resname, sizeof(int), 1, infile);
- write_number(resname, outfile);
- }
- else {
- write_char(ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while((!feof(infile)) && (ch != 0x00)) {
- write_char(ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- }
- } /* write_resource_name - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the version number from the .res file (infile)
- ****************************************************/
- void write_version_number(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- int resname;
- BYTE ch;
- writeline( "", outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if(ch == 0xFF) {
- fread(&resname, sizeof(int), 1, infile);
- if (resname == (int) VS_VERSION_INFO)
- writestring("VS_VERSION_INFO ", outfile);
- else
- write_number(resname, outfile);
- }
- else {
- write_char(ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while((!feof(infile)) && (ch != 0x00)) {
- write_char(ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- }
- } /* write_version_number - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the memory flags for the current resource.
- ****************************************************/
- void get_mem_flags(FILE *infile) {
- /* Save the flag in a global variable. See the header file! */
- prev_mem_flag = get_word( infile );
- return;
- } /* get_mem_flags - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the memory flag values for the "special"
- resources - cursors and icons. They're different
- than the rest in that 0x20 means "discardable",
- not "pure".
- ****************************************************/
- void write_special_mem_flag_values( WORD memtype, FILE *outfile) {
- if(memtype & 0x40)
- writestring(" PRELOAD", outfile);
- else
- writestring(" LOADONCALL", outfile);
- if(memtype & 0x10)
- writestring(" MOVEABLE", outfile);
- else
- writestring(" FIXED", outfile);
- if(memtype & 0x20)
- writestring(" DISCARDABLE", outfile);
- } /* write_special_mem_flag_values - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the memory flag values for the current resource.
- ****************************************************/
- void write_mem_flag_values( WORD memtype, FILE *outfile) {
- if(memtype & 0x40)
- writestring(" PRELOAD", outfile);
- else
- writestring(" LOADONCALL", outfile);
- if(memtype & 0x10)
- writestring(" MOVEABLE", outfile);
- else
- writestring(" FIXED", outfile);
- /* This one isn't really used - "PURE" doesn't seem to make a difference.
- if(memtype & 0x20)
- writestring(" PURE", outfile);
- */
- if(memtype & 0x1000)
- writestring(" DISCARDABLE", outfile);
- } /* write_mem_flag_values - end */
- /***************************************************
- Get the memory flags for the current resource.
- ****************************************************/
- void write_mem_flags(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- WORD memtype;
- memtype = get_word( infile );
- write_mem_flag_values( memtype, outfile );
- } /* write_mem_flags - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the cursor resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_cursor( FILE *infile ) {
- DWORD reslen;
- /* Skip it for now. We'll come back and get the information */
- /* when we hit the group cursor resource - that has the header */
- /* that has to go at the start of the .cur file. */
- get_resource_name(infile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- fseek(infile, reslen, 1);
- } /* process_cursor - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the bitmap resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_bitmap(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- char datafilename[13];
- FILE *datafile;
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- writestring(res_array[restype], outfile);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- strcpy(datafilename, get_data_filename("BM", "BMP"));
- if(strlen(datafilename) == 0) {
- writeline("<Unable to open output file>", outfile);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- writeline( datafilename, outfile );
- if((datafile = fopen(datafilename, "wb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Unable to open file %s\n", datafilename);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- bmfh.bfType = 0x4D42;
- bmfh.bfSize = reslen + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
- bmfh.bfReserved1 = 0;
- bmfh.bfReserved2 = 0;
- bmfh.bfOffBits = 0x76L;
- fwrite(&bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, datafile);
- write_data( infile, datafile, reslen );
- fclose( datafile );
- } /* process_bitmap - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the flags for a popup menu
- ****************************************************/
- void process_popup_flags(DWORD menuitem, FILE *outfile) {
- if(menuitem & MF_GRAYED)
- writestring(", GRAYED", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_DISABLED)
- writestring(", INACTIVE", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_CHECKED)
- writestring(", CHECKED", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_MENUBARBREAK)
- writestring(", MENUBARBREAK", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_MENUBREAK)
- writestring(", MENUBREAK", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_END) {
- }
- } /* process_popup_flags - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the flags for a normal menuitem
- ****************************************************/
- void process_menuitem_flags(DWORD menuitem, FILE *outfile) {
- if(menuitem & MF_GRAYED)
- writestring(", GRAYED", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_DISABLED)
- writestring(", INACTIVE", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_CHECKED)
- writestring(", CHECKED", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_MENUBARBREAK)
- writestring(", MENUBARBREAK", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_MENUBREAK)
- writestring(", MENUBREAK", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_HELP)
- writestring(", HELP", outfile);
- if(menuitem & MF_END) {
- writeline("", outfile);
- decrease_indent();
- write_indent(outfile);
- writestring("}", outfile);
- }
- } /* process_menuitem_flags - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process a normal menu resource
- ****************************************************/
- DWORD process_normal_menu(DWORD menuitem, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- WORD menuid;
- DWORD bytesread;
- fread(&menuid, sizeof(menuid), 1, infile);
- bytesread = sizeof(menuid);
- increase_indent();
- write_indent(outfile);
- writestring("MENUITEM ", outfile);
- bytesread += write_item_text( infile, outfile);
- if((bytesread - 1) > sizeof(menuid)) {
- writestring(", ", outfile);
- write_word( menuid, outfile);
- process_menuitem_flags(menuitem, outfile);
- }
- else if((!menuid) && (!menuitem)) {
- /* *** remove the leading quote from above */
- writestring("SEPARATOR", outfile);
- }
- writeline("", outfile);
- decrease_indent();
- return(bytesread);
- } /* process_normal_menu - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process a popup menu resource
- ****************************************************/
- DWORD process_popup_menu(DWORD menuitem, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD bytesread;
- increase_indent();
- write_indent(outfile);
- writestring("POPUP ", outfile);
- bytesread = write_item_text( infile, outfile);
- process_popup_flags(menuitem, outfile);
- writeline(" {", outfile);
- return(bytesread);
- } /* process_popup_menu - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the menu resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_menu(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- DWORD bytesread;
- WORD menuitem;
- WORD popupmenuitem;
- struct MenuHeader menuhdr;
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- writestring(res_array[restype], outfile);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- writeline(" {", outfile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- fread(&menuhdr, sizeof(struct MenuHeader), 1, infile);
- reslen -= sizeof(struct MenuHeader);
- fread(&menuitem, sizeof(menuitem), 1, infile);
- reslen -= sizeof(menuitem);
- while(reslen) {
- if(menuitem & MF_POPUP) {
- popupmenuitem = menuitem;
- bytesread = process_popup_menu( menuitem, infile, outfile);
- }
- else
- bytesread = process_normal_menu( menuitem, infile, outfile);
- reslen -= bytesread;
- if(reslen) {
- fread(&menuitem, sizeof(menuitem), 1, infile);
- reslen -= sizeof(menuitem);
- }
- else if(popupmenuitem & MF_END) /* check last popup was the end */
- writeline("}", outfile);
- }
- } /* process_menu - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the icon resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_icon( FILE *infile ) {
- DWORD reslen;
- /* Skip it for now. We'll come back and get the information */
- /* when we hit the group icon resource - that has the header */
- /* that has to go at the start of the .ico file. */
- get_resource_name(infile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- fseek(infile, reslen, 1);
- } /* process_icon - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the dialog box size and shape information
- ****************************************************/
- void write_dialog_sizes( DIALOGHEADER dlg_hdr, FILE *outfile) {
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- write_word( dlg_hdr.x, outfile );
- writestring(", ", outfile);
- write_word( dlg_hdr.y, outfile );
- writestring(", ", outfile);
- write_word( dlg_hdr.width, outfile );
- writestring(", ", outfile);
- write_word( dlg_hdr.height, outfile );
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* write_dialog_sizes - end */
- /***************************************************
- Check if the style is true; if so, write it out
- ****************************************************/
- void check_for_style( DWORD style, char *name, FILE *outfile ) {
- static WORD first_style = 1;
- static WORD line_size = 6; /* length of 'STYLE ' */
- if (style) {
- if (first_style) {
- writestring("STYLE ", outfile);
- first_style = 0;
- }
- else {
- writestring(" | ", outfile);
- line_size += 3; /* add lenght of ' | ' */
- }
- /* this is an attempt to keep the line length reasonable */
- if ((line_size + strlen(name)) > 75) {
- writeline("", outfile);
- line_size = 6;
- writestring(" ", outfile);
- }
- writestring( name, outfile );
- line_size += strlen(name);
- } /* if (style) - end */
- } /* check_for_style - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the dialog box style information
- ****************************************************/
- void write_dialog_style( DIALOGHEADER dlg_hdr, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD style;
- style = dlg_hdr.lStyle;
- check_for_style( style & WS_OVERLAPPED, "WS_OVERLAPPED", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_POPUP, "WS_POPUP", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_CHILD, "WS_CHILD", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, "WS_CLIPSIBLINGS", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN, "WS_CLIPCHILDREN", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_VISIBLE, "WS_VISIBLE", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_DISABLED, "WS_DISABLED", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_MINIMIZE, "WS_MINIMIZE", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_MAXIMIZE, "WS_MAXIMIZE", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_BORDER, "WS_BORDER", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_DLGFRAME, "WS_DLGFRAME", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_VSCROLL, "WS_VSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_HSCROLL, "WS_HSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_SYSMENU, "WS_SYSMENU", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_THICKFRAME, "WS_THICKFRAME", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_MINIMIZEBOX, "WS_MINIMIZEBOX", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, "WS_MAXIMIZEBOX", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_GROUP, "WS_GROUP", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_TABSTOP, "WS_TABSTOP", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_EX_TOPMOST, "WS_EX_TOPMOST", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, "WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, "WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY",
- outfile );
- check_for_style( style & DS_ABSALIGN, "DS_ABSALIGN", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & DS_SYSMODAL, "DS_SYSMODAL", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & DS_LOCALEDIT, "DS_LOCALEDIT", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & DS_SETFONT, "DS_SETFONT", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & DS_MODALFRAME, "DS_MODALFRAME", outfile );
- check_for_style( style & DS_NOIDLEMSG, "DS_NOIDLEMSG", outfile );
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* write_dialog_style - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the dialog box menu name
- ****************************************************/
- void write_dialog_menu( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- BYTE ch;
- WORD menuid;
- /* Read the first character and check for non-zero start byte */
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- /* if first byte is 0x00, no menu name */
- if(ch != 0x00) {
- writestring("MENU ", outfile);
- if(ch == 0xFF) {
- /* menu id is a number */
- menuid = get_word( infile );
- write_word(menuid, outfile);
- }
- else
- get_custom_type( ch, infile, outfile);
- writeline("", outfile);
- }
- } /* write_dialog_menu - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the dialog box class name
- ****************************************************/
- void write_dialog_class( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- BYTE ch;
- /* Read the first character and check for non-zero start byte */
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- /* get the resource type */
- if(ch != 0x00) {
- writestring("CLASS \"", outfile);
- get_custom_type( ch, infile, outfile);
- writeline("\"", outfile);
- }
- } /* write_dialog_class - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the dialog box font information
- ****************************************************/
- void write_dialog_font( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- WORD pointsize;
- writestring("FONT ", outfile);
- /* read and write the font point size */
- pointsize = get_word( infile );
- write_word( pointsize, outfile);
- writestring(", ", outfile);
- /* write the font name */
- (void) write_item_text( infile, outfile);
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* write_dialog_font - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the dialog box caption
- ****************************************************/
- void write_dialog_caption( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- BYTE ch;
- /* Read the first character and check for non-zero start byte */
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- /* get the resource type */
- if(ch != 0x00) {
- writestring("CAPTION \"", outfile);
- get_custom_type( ch, infile, outfile);
- writeline("\"", outfile);
- }
- } /* write_dialog_caption - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the start of the "CONTROL" string
- ****************************************************/
- void write_control_header( char *text, WORD id, FILE *outfile) {
- write_indent(outfile);
- writestring("CONTROL \"", outfile);
- writestring( text, outfile);
- writestring( "\", ", outfile);
- /* check if id is -1 */
- if (id != 0xFFFF)
- write_word( id, outfile);
- else
- writestring( "-1", outfile);
- writestring( ", ", outfile);
- } /* write_control_header - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the end of the "CONTROL" statement.
- ****************************************************/
- void write_control_end( CONTROLDATA ctrl, FILE *outfile) {
- char string[50];
- /* write the size/dimensions of the object */
- write_indent(outfile);
- sprintf( string, "%hu, %hu, %hu, %hu", ctrl.x, ctrl.y,
- ctrl.width, ctrl.height);
- writeline( string, outfile);
- } /* write_control_end - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the style for the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void check_for_dlg_style( DWORD style, WORD *first_style, WORD *line_len,
- char *style_name, FILE *outfile ) {
- if (style) {
- /* if first_style = 2, write out a leading comma */
- if (*first_style == 2) {
- writestring(", ", outfile);
- *first_style = 1;
- }
- if (*first_style == 1) {
- /* this is the first style, so just write out the style name */
- writestring( style_name, outfile);
- *first_style = 0;
- *line_len += strlen(style_name);
- }
- else {
- /* this is after first style, so write '|' for concat */
- writestring(" | ", outfile);
- *line_len += (3 + strlen(style_name));
- /* try to keep each line to a reasonable length */
- if (*line_len >= 75) {
- writeline("", outfile);
- write_indent(outfile);
- *line_len = strlen(style_name);
- }
- /* write out the name of the style */
- writestring(style_name, outfile);
- } /* if (*first_style) / else - end */
- } /* if (style) - end */
- } /* check_for_dlg_style - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the button control in the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void process_control_button( DWORD style, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD first_style = 1;
- WORD line_len = 0;
- writestring( "\"button\", ", outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( BS_LEFTTEXT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "BS_LEFTTEXT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_TABSTOP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_TABSTOP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_GROUP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_GROUP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_DISABLED & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_DISABLED", outfile );
- if(first_style == 0)
- writestring(" | ", outfile);
- /* checked for non-exclusive properties, now clear out high bits */
- style &= 0xF;
- if (style == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)
- writestring("BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_CHECKBOX)
- writestring("BS_CHECKBOX", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_AUTOCHECKBOX)
- writestring("BS_AUTOCHECKBOX", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_RADIOBUTTON)
- writestring("BS_RADIOBUTTON", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_3STATE)
- writestring("BS_3STATE", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_AUTO3STATE)
- writestring("BS_AUTO3STATE", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_GROUPBOX)
- writestring("BS_GROUPBOX", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_USERBUTTON)
- writestring("BS_USERBUTTON", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON)
- writestring("BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON", outfile);
- else if (style == BS_OWNERDRAW)
- writestring("BS_OWNERDRAW", outfile);
- else
- writestring("BS_PUSHBUTTON", outfile);
- writeline(",", outfile);
- } /* process_control_button - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the edit control in the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void process_control_edit( CONTROLDATA ctrl, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD first_style = 2;
- char string[100];
- WORD line_len = 0;
- DWORD style;
- style = ctrl.lStyle;
- write_indent(outfile);
- sprintf( string, "EDITTEXT %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu", ctrl.id, ctrl.x,
- ctrl.y, ctrl.width, ctrl.height);
- line_len = strlen(string);
- writestring( string, outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_LEFT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_LEFT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_CENTER & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_CENTER", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_RIGHT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_RIGHT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_MULTILINE & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_MULTILINE", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_UPPERCASE & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_UPPERCASE", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_LOWERCASE & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_LOWERCASE", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_PASSWORD & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_PASSWORD", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_AUTOVSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_AUTOVSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_AUTOHSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_AUTOHSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_NOHIDESEL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_NOHIDESEL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_OEMCONVERT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_OEMCONVERT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_READONLY & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_READONLY", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( ES_WANTRETURN & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "ES_WANTRETURN", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_TABSTOP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_TABSTOP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_GROUP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_GROUP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_VSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_VSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_HSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_HSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_DISABLED & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_DISABLED", outfile );
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* process_control_edit - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the static control in the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void process_control_static( DWORD style, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD first_style = 1;
- WORD line_len = 0;
- writestring( "\"static\", ", outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( SS_NOPREFIX & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "SS_NOPREFIX", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_GROUP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_GROUP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_TABSTOP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_TABSTOP", outfile );
- if(first_style == 0)
- writestring(" | ", outfile);
- style &= 0xF;
- if ( style == SS_CENTER )
- writestring( "SS_CENTER", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_RIGHT )
- writestring( "SS_RIGHT", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_ICON )
- writestring( "SS_ICON", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_BLACKRECT )
- writestring( "SS_BLACKRECT", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_GRAYRECT )
- writestring( "SS_GRAYRECT", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_WHITERECT )
- writestring( "SS_WHITERECT", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_BLACKFRAME )
- writestring( "SS_BLACKFRAME", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_GRAYFRAME )
- writestring( "SS_GRAYFRAME", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_WHITEFRAME )
- writestring( "SS_WHITEFRAME", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_SIMPLE )
- writestring( "SS_SIMPLE", outfile);
- else if ( style == SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP )
- writestring( "SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP", outfile);
- else
- writestring( "SS_LEFT", outfile);
- writeline(",", outfile);
- } /* process_control_static - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the list box control in the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void process_control_listbox( CONTROLDATA ctrl, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD first_style = 2;
- char string[100];
- WORD line_len = 0;
- DWORD style;
- style = ctrl.lStyle;
- write_indent(outfile);
- sprintf( string, "LISTBOX %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu", ctrl.id, ctrl.x,
- ctrl.y, ctrl.width, ctrl.height);
- line_len = strlen(string);
- writestring( string, outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_NOTIFY & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_NOTIFY", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_SORT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_SORT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_NOREDRAW & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_NOREDRAW", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_MULTIPLESEL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_MULTIPLESEL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_HASSTRINGS & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_HASSTRINGS", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_USETABSTOPS & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_USETABSTOPS", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_MULTICOLUMN & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_MULTICOLUMN", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_EXTENDEDSEL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "LBS_EXTENDEDSEL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_BORDER & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_BORDER", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_VSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_VSCROLL", outfile );
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* process_control_listbox - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the scroll bar control in the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void process_control_scrollbar( CONTROLDATA ctrl, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD first_style = 2;
- char string[100];
- WORD line_len = 0;
- DWORD style;
- style = ctrl.lStyle;
- write_indent(outfile);
- sprintf( string, "SCROLLBAR %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu", ctrl.id, ctrl.x,
- ctrl.y, ctrl.width, ctrl.height);
- line_len = strlen(string);
- writestring( string, outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( SBS_HORZ & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "SBS_HORZ", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( SBS_VERT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "SBS_VERT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( SBS_TOPALIGN & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "SBS_TOPALIGN", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( SBS_BOTTOMALIGN & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "SBS_BOTTOMALIGN", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( SBS_SIZEBOX & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "SBS_SIZEBOX", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_TABSTOP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_TABSTOP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_GROUP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_GROUP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_DISABLED & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_DISABLED", outfile );
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* process_control_scrollbar - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the combo box control in the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void process_control_combobox( CONTROLDATA ctrl, FILE *outfile) {
- WORD first_style = 2;
- WORD line_len = 0;
- char string[100];
- DWORD style;
- style = ctrl.lStyle;
- write_indent(outfile);
- sprintf( string, "COMBOBOX %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu", ctrl.id, ctrl.x,
- ctrl.y, ctrl.width, ctrl.height);
- line_len = strlen(string);
- writestring( string, outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_SIMPLE & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "CBS_SIMPLE", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_DROPDOWN & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "CBS_DROPDOWN", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_AUTOHSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "CBS_AUTOHSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_OEMCONVERT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "CBS_OEMCONVERT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_SORT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "CBS_SORT", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_HASSTRINGS & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "CBS_HASSTRINGS", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- check_for_dlg_style( CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_TABSTOP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_TABSTOP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_GROUP & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_GROUP", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_VSCROLL & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_VSCROLL", outfile );
- check_for_dlg_style( WS_DISABLED & style, &first_style, &line_len,
- "WS_DISABLED", outfile );
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* process_control_combobox - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process each control in the dialog box
- ****************************************************/
- void process_control( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile ) {
- BYTE class_id;
- BYTE ch;
- char ctrl_text[260];
- char ctrl_class[260];
- WORD index = 0;
- fread( &ctrl, sizeof(CONTROLDATA), 1, infile);
- /* read the class type (if 0x8?) or the string (otherwise) */
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if (ch & 0x80) {
- class_id = ch;
- }
- else {
- class_id = 0x00;
- while (ch != 0x00) {
- if (index < 260) {
- ctrl_class[index] = ch;
- ++index;
- }
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- }
- ctrl_class[index] = '\0';
- /* read the text field */
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- index = 0;
- while (ch != 0x00) {
- if (index < 260) {
- ctrl_text[index] = ch;
- ++index;
- }
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- ctrl_text[index] = '\0';
- /* read the extra 0x00 */
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if (ch != 0x00) {
- writestring("Error ** ch =>", outfile);
- write_char( ch, outfile);
- writeline("< - should be 00", outfile);
- }
- increase_indent();
- if (class_id & 0x80) {
- switch (class_id) {
- /* Control is a button */
- case 0x80:
- write_control_header( ctrl_text, ctrl.id, outfile);
- process_control_button( ctrl.lStyle, outfile );
- write_control_end( ctrl, outfile);
- break;
- /* Control is an edit widget */
- case 0x81:
- process_control_edit( ctrl, outfile );
- break;
- /* Control is a static widget */
- case 0x82:
- write_control_header( ctrl_text, ctrl.id, outfile);
- process_control_static( ctrl.lStyle, outfile );
- write_control_end( ctrl, outfile);
- break;
- /* Control is a listbox */
- case 0x83:
- process_control_listbox( ctrl, outfile );
- break;
- /* Control is a scrollbar */
- case 0x84:
- process_control_scrollbar( ctrl, outfile );
- break;
- /* Control is a combobox */
- case 0x85:
- process_control_combobox( ctrl, outfile );
- break;
- default:
- break; /* Unknown type, so skip */
- }
- }
- else {
- ; /* The resource type is unknown, so skip */
- }
- decrease_indent();
- } /* process_control - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the dialog resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_dialog(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- /* write the generic dialog box info */
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- writestring(res_array[restype], outfile);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- /* get the dialog box resource length, and the dialog box header */
- (void) get_resource_length(infile);
- fread( &dlg_hdr, sizeof(DIALOGHEADER), 1, infile);
- write_dialog_sizes( dlg_hdr, outfile);
- write_dialog_style( dlg_hdr, outfile);
- write_dialog_menu( infile, outfile);
- write_dialog_class( infile, outfile);
- write_dialog_caption( infile, outfile);
- if (dlg_hdr.lStyle & DS_SETFONT)
- write_dialog_font( infile, outfile);
- writeline("BEGIN", outfile);
- while(dlg_hdr.bNumberOfItems) {
- process_control( infile, outfile );
- dlg_hdr.bNumberOfItems -= 1;
- }
- writeline("END", outfile);
- } /* process_dialog - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the string resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_string(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- int index;
- BYTE ch;
- BYTE strlen;
- sID = get_resource_number(infile);
- if (StringCount == 0) {
- writeline( "", outfile);
- writestring(res_array[restype], outfile);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- writeline(" {", outfile);
- }
- else {
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- }
- ++StringCount;
- increase_indent();
- (void) get_resource_length(infile);
- for(index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {
- if((strlen = get_byte(infile)) != 0x00) {
- write_indent(outfile);
- sID = index + ((sID - 1) * 16);
- write_word( sID, outfile);
- writestring(", \"", outfile);
- while(strlen--) {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- write_char(ch, outfile);
- }
- writeline("\"", outfile);
- }
- }
- decrease_indent();
- if(StringCount >= 16) {
- writeline("}", outfile);
- StringCount = 0;
- }
- } /* process_string - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the fontdir resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_fontdir( FILE *infile ) {
- DWORD reslen;
- get_resource_name(infile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- fseek(infile, reslen, 1);
- } /* process_fontdir - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the font resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_font(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- char datafilename[13];
- FILE *datafile;
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- writestring(res_array[restype], outfile);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- strcpy(datafilename, get_data_filename("FO", "FON"));
- if(strlen(datafilename) == 0) {
- writeline("<Unable to open output file>", outfile);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- writeline( datafilename, outfile );
- if((datafile = fopen(datafilename, "wb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Unable to open file %s\n", datafilename);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- write_data( infile, datafile, reslen );
- fclose( datafile );
- } /* process_font - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the virtual character for the current accelerator
- ****************************************************/
- void write_virtual_accel_event( WORD wEvent, FILE *outfile) {
- switch(wEvent) {
- case VK_LBUTTON:
- writestring( "VK_LBUTTON", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_RBUTTON:
- writestring( "VK_RBUTTON", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_CANCEL:
- writestring( "VK_CANCEL", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_MBUTTON:
- writestring( "VK_MBUTTON", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_BACK:
- writestring( "VK_BACK", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_TAB:
- writestring( "VK_TAB", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_CLEAR:
- writestring( "VK_CLEAR", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_RETURN:
- writestring( "VK_RETURN", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_SHIFT:
- writestring( "VK_SHIFT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_CONTROL:
- writestring( "VK_CONTROL", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_MENU:
- writestring( "VK_MENU", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_PAUSE:
- writestring( "VK_PAUSE", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_CAPITAL:
- writestring( "VK_CAPITAL", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_ESCAPE:
- writestring( "VK_ESCAPE", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_SPACE:
- writestring( "VK_SPACE", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_PRIOR:
- writestring( "VK_PRIOR", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NEXT:
- writestring( "VK_NEXT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_END:
- writestring( "VK_END", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_HOME:
- writestring( "VK_HOME", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_LEFT:
- writestring( "VK_LEFT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_UP:
- writestring( "VK_UP", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_RIGHT:
- writestring( "VK_RIGHT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_DOWN:
- writestring( "VK_DOWN", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_SELECT:
- writestring( "VK_SELECT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_PRINT:
- writestring( "VK_PRINT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_EXECUTE:
- writestring( "VK_EXECUTE", outfile);
- break;
- writestring( "VK_SNAPSHOT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_INSERT:
- writestring( "VK_INSERT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_DELETE:
- writestring( "VK_DELETE", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_HELP:
- writestring( "VK_HELP", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD0:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD0", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD1:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD1", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD2:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD2", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD3:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD3", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD4:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD4", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD5:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD5", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD6:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD6", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD7:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD7", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD8:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD8", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMPAD9:
- writestring( "VK_NUMPAD9", outfile);
- break;
- writestring( "VK_MULTIPLY", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_ADD:
- writestring( "VK_ADD", outfile);
- break;
- writestring( "VK_SEPARATOR", outfile);
- break;
- writestring( "VK_SUBTRACT", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_DECIMAL:
- writestring( "VK_DECIMAL", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_DIVIDE:
- writestring( "VK_DIVIDE", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F1:
- writestring( "VK_F1", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F2:
- writestring( "VK_F2", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F3:
- writestring( "VK_F3", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F4:
- writestring( "VK_F4", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F5:
- writestring( "VK_F5", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F6:
- writestring( "VK_F6", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F7:
- writestring( "VK_F7", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F8:
- writestring( "VK_F8", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F9:
- writestring( "VK_F9", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F10:
- writestring( "VK_F10", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F11:
- writestring( "VK_F11", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F12:
- writestring( "VK_F12", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F13:
- writestring( "VK_F13", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F14:
- writestring( "VK_F14", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F15:
- writestring( "VK_F15", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F16:
- writestring( "VK_F16", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F17:
- writestring( "VK_F17", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F18:
- writestring( "VK_F18", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F19:
- writestring( "VK_F19", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F20:
- writestring( "VK_F20", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F21:
- writestring( "VK_F21", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F22:
- writestring( "VK_F22", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F23:
- writestring( "VK_F23", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_F24:
- writestring( "VK_F24", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_NUMLOCK:
- writestring( "VK_NUMLOCK", outfile);
- break;
- case VK_SCROLL:
- writestring( "VK_SCROLL", outfile);
- break;
- default:
- write_word( wEvent, outfile);
- break;
- } /* switch(wEvent) - end */
- } /* write_virtual_accel_event - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the character for the current accelerator
- ****************************************************/
- int write_accel_event( WORD wEvent, FILE *outfile) {
- if(((wEvent >= 65) && (wEvent <= 90)) ||
- ((wEvent >= 97) && (wEvent <= 122))) {
- write_char('"', outfile);
- write_char((BYTE) wEvent, outfile);
- write_char('"', outfile);
- return(0);
- }
- if((wEvent >= 1) && (wEvent <= 26)) {
- write_char('"', outfile);
- write_char('^', outfile);
- write_char((BYTE) (wEvent + 64), outfile);
- write_char('"', outfile);
- return(0);
- }
- write_word( wEvent, outfile);
- return(1);
- } /* write_accel_event - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the flags for the current accelerator
- ****************************************************/
- void write_accel_flags( BYTE flags, FILE *outfile, int ascii_value_used) {
- if(flags & 0x02)
- writestring(", NOINVERT", outfile);
- if(flags & 0x04)
- writestring(", SHIFT", outfile);
- if(flags & 0x08)
- writestring(", CONTROL", outfile);
- if(flags & 0x10)
- writestring(", ALT", outfile);
- if(flags & 0x01)
- writestring(", VIRTKEY", outfile);
- else if (ascii_value_used)
- writestring(", ASCII", outfile);
- writeline("", outfile);
- } /* write_accel_flags - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the accelerator resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_accelerator(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- struct AccelTableEntry accelhdr;
- int ascii_value_used;
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- writestring(res_array[restype], outfile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- writeline(" {", outfile);
- increase_indent();
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- while(reslen) {
- write_indent(outfile);
- fread(&accelhdr, sizeof(struct AccelTableEntry), 1, infile);
- reslen -= sizeof(struct AccelTableEntry);
- if(accelhdr.fFlags & 0x01)
- write_virtual_accel_event( accelhdr.wEvent, outfile);
- else
- ascii_value_used = write_accel_event( accelhdr.wEvent, outfile);
- writestring(", ", outfile);
- write_word(accelhdr.wId, outfile);
- write_accel_flags( accelhdr.fFlags, outfile, ascii_value_used);
- }
- decrease_indent();
- writeline("}", outfile);
- } /* process_accelerator - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the rcdata resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_rcdata(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- int ch;
- unsigned short ch_count;
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- writestring(res_array[restype], outfile);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- writeline(" {", outfile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- increase_indent();
- /* copy the data out to the .rc file */
- ch_count = 0;
- while (reslen--) {
- if (ch_count == 0) {
- write_indent(outfile);
- write_char('"', outfile);
- }
- ch = fgetc( infile );
- if ((ch >= 32) && (ch <= 126)) {
- fputc( ch, outfile);
- ++ch_count;
- }
- else {
- write_char('\\', outfile);
- fprintf( outfile, "%o", ch);
- ch_count += 4;
- }
- if (ch_count >= 60) {
- writeline("\"", outfile);
- ch_count = 0;
- }
- }
- /* if last string wasn't terminated with end quotes, do so now */
- if (ch_count > 0)
- writeline("\"", outfile);
- decrease_indent();
- writeline("}", outfile);
- } /* process_rcdata - end */
- /***************************************************
- Search infile for image #image_num of type image_type
- ****************************************************/
- int search_for_image( WORD image_num, FILE *infile, int image_type ) {
- BYTE ch;
- long reslen;
- int restype;
- WORD dest_image_num;
- fseek(infile, 0, 0);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while(!feof(infile)) {
- /* get the resource type */
- if(ch == 0xFF) {
- fread(&restype, sizeof(int), 1, infile);
- /* If it's not the right image type, skip it */
- if (restype != image_type) {
- get_resource_name(infile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- fseek(infile, reslen, 1);
- }
- else {
- dest_image_num = get_resource_number(infile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- if (dest_image_num == image_num)
- return(1);
- else
- fseek(infile, reslen, 1);
- }
- }
- else {
- /* read the name of the resource */
- while((ch = get_byte(infile)) != 0x00) {}
- get_resource_name(infile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- fseek(infile, reslen, 1);
- }
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- } /* while(not eof(infile)) - end */
- return(0);
- } /* search_for_image - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the Cursor Directory entry to the cursor file
- ****************************************************/
- void write_cursor_direntry( CURSORDIRENTRY cursorentry, FILE *datafile,
- FILE *infile, DWORD cursor_size) {
- long filepos;
- WORD hotspot;
- cursorres.bWidth = (BYTE) cursorentry.wWidth;
- cursorres.bHeight = (BYTE) (cursorentry.wHeight - cursorentry.wWidth);
- cursorres.bColorCount = 0;
- cursorres.bReserved = 0;
- /* Initialize to 0's */
- cursorres.wXHotSpot = 0;
- cursorres.wYHotSpot = 0;
- /* Save the current position of the input file */
- filepos = ftell(infile);
- /* Search for cursor resource number #wImageOffset to get the hotspots */
- if (search_for_image( cursorentry.wImageOffset, infile, CURSOR_TYPE)) {
- hotspot = get_word( infile );
- cursorres.wXHotSpot = hotspot;
- hotspot = get_word( infile );
- cursorres.wYHotSpot = hotspot;
- }
- /* return to the prior position in the input file */
- fseek(infile, filepos, 0);
- /* subtract size of 2 WORD values - X & Y Hot Spot - they occur */
- /* at the beginning of the cursor resource data, but really */
- /* belong in the header, so they get subtracted from the length */
- cursorres.dwBytesInRes = cursorentry.dwBytesInRes - (2 * sizeof(WORD));
- cursorres.dwImageOffset = cursor_size;
- fwrite( &cursorres, sizeof(CURSORRESENTRY), 1, datafile);
- } /* write_cursor_direntry - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the group cursor resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_group_cursor(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- char datafilename[13];
- FILE *datafile;
- long CurrPos;
- DWORD cursor_size;
- CURSORHEADER cursorinfo;
- CURSORDIRENTRY cursorentry;
- WORD count;
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- writestring(" CURSOR", outfile);
- /* Now write out the memory flags for the previous resource */
- /* (cursor), since that has the correct value; this must be */
- /* done before the succeeding call to get_mem_flags, since */
- /* that will change the value of prev_mem_flag. */
- write_special_mem_flag_values( prev_mem_flag, outfile);
- /* Now skip over the memory flag for this resource */
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- /* Determine a unique .cur filename in the current directory */
- strcpy(datafilename, get_data_filename("CU", "CUR"));
- if(strlen(datafilename) == 0) {
- writeline("<Unable to open output file>", outfile);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- /* Write the name of the new cursor file to the .rc file */
- writeline( datafilename, outfile );
- /* open .cur output file */
- if((datafile = fopen(datafilename, "wb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Unable to open file %s\n", datafilename);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- fread( &cursorinfo, sizeof(CURSORHEADER), 1, infile);
- fwrite( &cursorinfo, sizeof(CURSORHEADER), 1, datafile);
- cursor_size = sizeof(CURSORHEADER) + (sizeof(CURSORRESENTRY) * cursorinfo.cdCount);
- CurrPos = ftell(infile);
- /* Loop through each Cursor entry in the Group Cursor resource */
- count = cursorinfo.cdCount;
- while (count--) {
- /* Read the header for this cursor, and save to the output file */
- fread( &cursorentry, sizeof(CURSORDIRENTRY), 1, infile);
- write_cursor_direntry( cursorentry, datafile, infile, cursor_size);
- cursor_size += cursorentry.dwBytesInRes;
- }
- fseek(infile, CurrPos, 0);
- /* Loop through each Cursor entry in the Group Cursor resource */
- count = cursorinfo.cdCount;
- while (count--) {
- fread( &cursorentry, sizeof(CURSORDIRENTRY), 1, infile);
- CurrPos += sizeof(CURSORDIRENTRY);
- /* Search for cursor resource number #wImageOffset */
- if (search_for_image( cursorentry.wImageOffset, infile, CURSOR_TYPE)) {
- /* skip the 2 WORDS for XHotSpot and YHotSpot */
- fseek(infile, 4, 1);
- /* subtract the size of the 2 WORDs at the start: hotspot data */
- write_data( infile, datafile,
- (cursorentry.dwBytesInRes - (2 * sizeof(WORD))));
- }
- fseek(infile, CurrPos, 0);
- }
- fclose( datafile );
- } /* process_group_cursor - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the Icon Directory entry to the icon file
- ****************************************************/
- void write_icon_direntry( ICONDIRENTRY iconentry, FILE *datafile,
- DWORD icon_size) {
- iconres.bWidth = iconentry.bWidth;
- iconres.bHeight = iconentry.bHeight;
- iconres.bColorCount = iconentry.bColorCount;
- iconres.bReserved = iconentry.bReserved;
- /* The Planes and BitCount values stored in the .ico file
- seem to be ignored.
- iconres.wPlanes = iconentry.wPlanes;
- iconres.wBitCount = iconentry.wBitCount;
- */
- iconres.wPlanes = 0;
- iconres.wBitCount = 0;
- iconres.dwBytesInRes = iconentry.dwBytesInRes;
- iconres.dwImageOffset = icon_size;
- fwrite( &iconres, sizeof(ICONRESENTRY), 1, datafile);
- } /* write_icon_direntry - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the group icon resource
- ****************************************************/
- void process_group_icon(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- char datafilename[13];
- FILE *datafile;
- long CurrPos;
- DWORD icon_size;
- ICONHEADER iconinfo;
- ICONDIRENTRY iconentry;
- WORD count;
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- writestring(" ICON", outfile);
- /* Now write out the memory flags for the previous resource */
- /* (icon), since that has the correct value; this must be */
- /* done before the succeeding call to get_mem_flags, since */
- /* that will change the value of prev_mem_flag. */
- write_special_mem_flag_values( prev_mem_flag, outfile);
- /* Now skip over the memory flag for this resource */
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- /* Determine a unique .ico filename in the current directory */
- strcpy(datafilename, get_data_filename("IC", "ICO"));
- if(strlen(datafilename) == 0) {
- writeline("<Unable to open output file>", outfile);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- /* Write the name of the new icon file to the .rc file */
- writeline( datafilename, outfile );
- /* Open the output file containing the icon resource data */
- if((datafile = fopen(datafilename, "wb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Unable to open file %s\n", datafilename);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- fread( &iconinfo, sizeof(ICONHEADER), 1, infile);
- fwrite( &iconinfo, sizeof(ICONHEADER), 1, datafile);
- icon_size = sizeof(ICONHEADER) + (sizeof(ICONRESENTRY) * iconinfo.idCount);
- CurrPos = ftell(infile);
- /* Loop through each Icon entry in the Group Icon resource */
- count = iconinfo.idCount;
- while (count--) {
- fread( &iconentry, sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY), 1, infile);
- write_icon_direntry( iconentry, datafile, icon_size);
- icon_size += iconentry.dwBytesInRes;
- }
- fseek(infile, CurrPos, 0);
- /* Loop through each Icon entry in the Group Icon resource */
- count = iconinfo.idCount;
- while (count--) {
- fread( &iconentry, sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY), 1, infile);
- CurrPos += sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY);
- /* Search for icon resource number #wImageOffset */
- if (search_for_image( iconentry.wImageOffset, infile, ICON_TYPE)) {
- write_data( infile, datafile, iconentry.dwBytesInRes );
- }
- fseek(infile, CurrPos, 0);
- }
- fclose( datafile );
- } /* process_group_icon - end */
- /***************************************************
- Save a user-defined resource data to a file.
- ****************************************************/
- void save_user_resource( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- char datafilename[13];
- FILE *datafile;
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- strcpy(datafilename, get_data_filename("UR", "USR"));
- if(strlen(datafilename) == 0) {
- writeline("<Unable to open output file>", outfile);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- writeline( datafilename, outfile );
- if((datafile = fopen(datafilename, "wb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Unable to open file %s\n", datafilename);
- fseek( infile, reslen, 1);
- return;
- }
- write_data(infile, datafile, reslen);
- fclose( datafile );
- } /* save_user_resource - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process a user-defined resource (by number).
- ****************************************************/
- void process_user_resource_num(int restype, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- write_number( restype, outfile);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- save_user_resource( infile, outfile );
- } /* process_user_resource_num - end */
- /***************************************************
- Read the name table, but ignore it.
- ****************************************************/
- void process_name_table( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen;
- writeline( "", outfile);
- writeline( "//", outfile);
- writeline( "// Name table found, but ignored.", outfile );
- writeline( "//", outfile);
- get_resource_name(infile);
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- fseek(infile, reslen, 1);
- } /* process_name_table - end */
- /***************************************************
- Checks if ver.h has been included; if not, does so
- ****************************************************/
- void check_if_ver_header_included( FILE *outfile ) {
- if (VersionUsed == 0) {
- /* update VersionUsed so <ver.h> can't be included twice */
- VersionUsed = 1;
- writeline( "", outfile);
- writeline( "#include <ver.h>", outfile);
- }
- } /* check_if_ver_header_included - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process version fileflags
- ****************************************************/
- void write_version_fileflags( DWORD style, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD first_style = 1;
- WORD line_len = 0;
- writestring( " FILEFLAGS ", outfile);
- if (style == 0L)
- writeline( "0x0L", outfile);
- else {
- check_for_dlg_style( VS_FF_DEBUG & style, &first_style,
- &line_len, "VS_FF_DEBUG", outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( VS_FF_INFOINFERRED & style, &first_style,
- &line_len, "VS_FF_INFOINFERRED", outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( VS_FF_PATCHED & style, &first_style,
- &line_len, "VS_FF_PATCHED", outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( VS_FF_PRERELEASE & style, &first_style,
- &line_len, "VS_FF_PRERELEASE", outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD & style, &first_style,
- &line_len, "VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD", outfile);
- check_for_dlg_style( VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD & style, &first_style,
- &line_len, "VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD", outfile);
- writeline( "", outfile);
- }
- } /* write_version_fileflags - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the version driver subtype
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_driver_subtype( DWORD driver_subtype, FILE *outfile ) {
- switch (driver_subtype) {
- case VFT2_UNKNOWN:
- writeline("VFT2_UNKNOWN", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT2_DRV_COMM:
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_COMM", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_PRINTER", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT2_DRV_MOUSE:
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_MOUSE", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_NETWORK", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT2_DRV_SOUND:
- writeline("VFT2_DRV_SOUND", outfile);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf( outfile, "%lu", driver_subtype );
- writeline("", outfile);
- break;
- } /* switch (driver_subtype) - end */
- } /* process_version_driver_subtype - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process the version font subtype
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_font_subtype( DWORD font_subtype, FILE *outfile ) {
- switch (font_subtype) {
- case VFT2_UNKNOWN:
- writeline("VFT2_UNKNOWN", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_FONT_RASTER", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_FONT_VECTOR", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE", outfile);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf( outfile, "%lu", font_subtype );
- writeline("", outfile);
- break;
- } /* switch (font_subtype) - end */
- } /* process_version_font_subtype - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process version information root block
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_root_block( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- VS_FIXEDFILEINFO infostruct;
- /* Process each field of the root block */
- fread( &infostruct, sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO), 1, infile);
- fprintf( outfile, " FILEVERSION %u,%u,%u,%u",
- HIWORD(infostruct.dwFileVersionMS),
- LOWORD(infostruct.dwFileVersionMS),
- HIWORD(infostruct.dwFileVersionLS),
- LOWORD(infostruct.dwFileVersionLS));
- writeline( "", outfile);
- fprintf( outfile, " PRODUCTVERSION %u,%u,%u,%u",
- HIWORD(infostruct.dwProductVersionMS),
- LOWORD(infostruct.dwProductVersionMS),
- HIWORD(infostruct.dwProductVersionLS),
- LOWORD(infostruct.dwProductVersionLS));
- writeline( "", outfile);
- write_version_fileflags( infostruct.dwFileFlags, outfile );
- if(infostruct.dwFileFlagsMask == VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK)
- else
- fprintf( outfile, " FILEFLAGSMASK %lu", infostruct.dwFileFlagsMask);
- writeline( "", outfile);
- writestring( " FILEOS ", outfile);
- switch (infostruct.dwFileOS) {
- writeline("VOS_UNKNOWN", outfile);
- break;
- case VOS_DOS:
- writeline("VOS_DOS", outfile);
- break;
- case VOS_OS216:
- writeline("VOS_OS216", outfile);
- break;
- case VOS_OS232:
- writeline("VOS_OS232", outfile);
- break;
- case VOS_NT:
- writeline("VOS_NT", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32", outfile);
- break;
- case VOS_OS216_PM16:
- writeline("VOS_OS216_PM16", outfile);
- break;
- case VOS_OS232_PM32:
- writeline("VOS_OS232_PM32", outfile);
- break;
- case VOS_NT_WINDOWS32:
- writeline("VOS_NT_WINDOWS32", outfile);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf( outfile, "%lu", infostruct.dwFileOS );
- writeline("", outfile);
- break;
- } /* switch (FileOS) - end */
- writestring( " FILETYPE ", outfile);
- switch (infostruct.dwFileType) {
- writeline("VFT_UNKNOWN", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT_APP:
- writeline("VFT_APP", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT_DLL:
- writeline("VFT_DLL", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT_DRV:
- writeline("VFT_DRV", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT_FONT:
- writeline("VFT_FONT", outfile);
- break;
- case VFT_VXD:
- writeline("VFT_VXD", outfile);
- break;
- writeline("VFT_STATIC_LIB", outfile);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf( outfile, "%lu", infostruct.dwFileType );
- writeline("", outfile);
- break;
- } /* switch (FileType) - end */
- writestring( " FILESUBTYPE ", outfile);
- switch (infostruct.dwFileType) {
- case VFT_DRV:
- process_version_driver_subtype( infostruct.dwFileSubtype, outfile);
- break;
- case VFT_FONT:
- process_version_font_subtype( infostruct.dwFileSubtype, outfile);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf( outfile, "%lu", infostruct.dwFileSubtype );
- writeline("", outfile);
- break;
- } /* switch (FileSubtype) - end */
- } /* process_version_root_block - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out the name of the current block, and return
- whether it was string, variable or other type of
- block.
- ****************************************************/
- int write_block_name( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile ) {
- int count=1; /* record number of chars read */
- int blocktype=0; /* record which type of block it is */
- BYTE ch;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if (ch == 'S')
- blocktype = STRINGBLOCK;
- else if (ch == 'V')
- blocktype = VARBLOCK;
- else
- blocktype = OTHERBLOCK;
- while((!feof(infile)) && (ch != 0x00)) {
- ++count;
- write_char( ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- /* Ensure number of characters read is a multiple of 4. */
- /* According to the MS documentation, this is the format. */
- /* See "MS Windows 3.1 Programmer's Reference" Vol.4, p.99 */
- count = count % 4;
- count = (count > 0) ? (4 - count) : 0;
- while ((!feof(infile)) && (count > 0)) {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- --count;
- }
- return(blocktype);
- } /* write_block_name - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write out the name of the current block, and return
- the total number of characters in the field.
- ****************************************************/
- WORD write_ver_field_name( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD count=1; /* record number of chars read */
- WORD fieldsize=1; /* record number of chars read */
- BYTE ch;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while((!feof(infile)) && (ch != 0x00)) {
- ++count;
- write_char( ch, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- }
- fieldsize = count;
- /* Ensure number of characters read is a multiple of 4. */
- /* According to the MS documentation, this is the format. */
- /* See "MS Windows 3.1 Programmer's Reference" Vol.4, p.99 */
- count = count % 4;
- count = (count > 0) ? (4 - count) : 0;
- while ((!feof(infile)) && (count > 0)) {
- ++fieldsize;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- --count;
- }
- return(fieldsize);
- } /* write_ver_field_name - end */
- /***************************************************
- Read "wordsize" # of bytes and write them to the
- output file; these bytes are the second part of
- the 'VALUE "---", "---"' line in a version info
- string block. Return the number of bytes needed
- to align the string on a 32-bit boundary.
- ****************************************************/
- WORD write_ver_field_name_size_n( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile,
- WORD wordsize ) {
- WORD count=0; /* record number of chars read */
- WORD diff=0;
- BYTE ch;
- while((!feof(infile)) && (count < wordsize)) {
- ++count;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- write_char( ch, outfile);
- }
- /* Ensure number of characters read is a multiple of 4. */
- /* According to the MS documentation, this is the format. */
- /* See "MS Windows 3.1 Programmer's Reference" Vol.4, p.99 */
- count = count % 4;
- count = (count > 0) ? (4 - count) : 0;
- diff = count;
- while ((!feof(infile)) && (count > 0)) {
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- --count;
- }
- return(diff);
- } /* write_ver_field_name_size_n - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process a version string block
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_string_block( WORD blocksize, FILE *infile,
- FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD stringblocksize = 0;
- WORD subblocksize = 0;
- WORD subdatasize = 0;
- WORD fieldsize = 0;
- WORD diff = 0;
- WORD totalblocksize = 0; /* size so far of the entire block */
- WORD totalsubsize = 0; /* size so far of a subblock */
- /* add up: len(StringFileInfo\0) + sizeof(blocksize) + */
- /* sizeof(datasize) (values already read in) */
- totalblocksize = 16 + (2 * sizeof(WORD));
- while (totalblocksize < blocksize) {
- /* get the name of this entire string block */
- stringblocksize = get_word( infile );
- (void)get_word( infile );
- totalblocksize += stringblocksize;
- write_indent( outfile );
- writestring( "BLOCK \"", outfile);
- fieldsize = write_ver_field_name( infile, outfile );
- writeline( "\"", outfile);
- write_indent( outfile );
- writeline( "BEGIN", outfile);
- increase_indent();
- totalsubsize = fieldsize + (2 * sizeof(WORD));
- while (totalsubsize < stringblocksize) {
- subblocksize = get_word(infile);
- subdatasize = get_word(infile);
- /* increment the byte counter by the size of the current block */
- totalsubsize += subblocksize;
- write_indent( outfile );
- writestring( "VALUE \"", outfile);
- (void)write_ver_field_name( infile, outfile );
- writestring( "\", \"", outfile);
- diff = write_ver_field_name_size_n( infile, outfile, subdatasize );
- totalsubsize += diff;
- totalblocksize += diff;
- writeline( "\"", outfile);
- } /* while (totalsubsize < stringblocksize) - end */
- decrease_indent();
- write_indent( outfile );
- writeline( "END", outfile);
- } /* while (totalblocksize < blocksize) - end */
- } /* process_version_string_block - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process a version variable block
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_var_block( WORD blocksize, FILE *infile,
- FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD subblocksize = 0;
- WORD subdatasize = 0;
- WORD totalsize = 0;
- WORD langid = 0;
- WORD charsetid = 0;
- /* add up: len(VarFileInfo\0) + sizeof(blocksize) + */
- /* sizeof(datasize) (values already read in) */
- totalsize = 12 + (2 * sizeof(WORD));
- while (totalsize < blocksize) {
- subblocksize = get_word( infile );
- subdatasize = get_word( infile );
- write_indent( outfile );
- writestring( "VALUE \"", outfile);
- (void)write_block_name( infile, outfile );
- writestring( "\", ", outfile);
- /* increment the byte counter by the size of the current block */
- totalsize += subblocksize;
- while (subdatasize) {
- langid = get_word( infile );
- charsetid = get_word( infile );
- fprintf( outfile, "0x%X, %d", langid, charsetid);
- /* take off the size of the 2 variables read above */
- subdatasize -= (2 * sizeof(WORD));
- /* if another entry after this one, write out a comma */
- if (subdatasize) {
- writeline( ",", outfile);
- write_indent( outfile );
- }
- else
- writeline( "", outfile);
- } /* while (subdatasize) - end */
- } /* while (totalsize < blocksize) - end */
- } /* process_version_var_block - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process an unknown type of version block
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_other_block( WORD blocksize, long currpos,
- FILE *infile, FILE *outfile ) {
- long newPos = 0L;
- write_indent( outfile );
- writeline("// Unknown block type - skipping", outfile);
- newPos = currpos + ((long) blocksize);
- fseek( infile, newPos, 0);
- } /* process_version_other_block - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process a version block, which can be either a
- StringFileInfo or VarFileInfo block.
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_block( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile ) {
- WORD blocksize = 0; /* size of the next (complete) block */
- long currpos = 0L; /* use in case the block type is unknown */
- int block_type = 0; /* mark block as StringFileInfo or VarStringInfo */
- INDENT = 0; /* reset the amount of indentation */
- currpos = ftell(infile);
- blocksize = get_word(infile);
- (void) get_word(infile); /* skip over the size of current dataset */
- increase_indent();
- write_indent( outfile );
- writestring( "BLOCK \"", outfile);
- block_type = write_block_name( infile, outfile );
- writeline( "\"", outfile);
- write_indent( outfile );
- writeline( "BEGIN", outfile);
- increase_indent();
- /* call the appropriate procedure for block_type */
- switch (block_type) {
- process_version_string_block( blocksize, infile, outfile );
- break;
- case VARBLOCK:
- process_version_var_block( blocksize, infile, outfile );
- break;
- default:
- process_version_other_block( blocksize, currpos, infile, outfile );
- break;
- } /* switch (block_type) - end */
- decrease_indent();
- write_indent( outfile );
- writeline( "END", outfile);
- decrease_indent();
- } /* process_version_block - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process version information
- ****************************************************/
- void process_version_info( FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- DWORD reslen = 0L; /* total size of version info */
- DWORD endpos = 0L; /* ftell() of end of version info */
- DWORD currpos = 0L; /* current position in input file */
- /* see if "#include <ver.h>" has already been written */
- check_if_ver_header_included( outfile );
- /* start writing out the version information */
- write_version_number(infile, outfile);
- writeline( "VERSIONINFO", outfile);
- /* version info doesn't seem to use memory flags, so skip them */
- get_mem_flags(infile);
- reslen = get_resource_length(infile);
- currpos = ftell(infile);
- endpos = currpos + reslen;
- /* get the name and size of the root block - we can ignore */
- /* this because we know what it's going to be. */
- (void)get_word(infile); /* cbBlock */
- (void)get_word(infile); /* cbValue */
- get_version_name(infile); /* szKey[] */
- process_version_root_block(infile, outfile);
- writeline( "BEGIN", outfile);
- /* now go through all of the remaining blocks */
- currpos = ftell(infile);
- while (currpos < endpos) {
- process_version_block( infile, outfile );
- currpos = ftell(infile);
- }
- writeline( "END", outfile);
- } /* process_version_info - end */
- /***************************************************
- Call the appropriate function for each resource type
- ****************************************************/
- void process_resource_by_number(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- int restype = 0;
- INDENT = 0;
- fread(&restype, sizeof(int), 1, infile);
- /* If we're in the middle of a string table, and the new resource */
- /* isn't a string table, finish it off */
- if ((restype != STRING_TYPE) && (StringCount)) {
- writeline("}", outfile);
- StringCount = 0;
- }
- switch(restype) {
- case RT_CURSOR:
- process_cursor( infile );
- break;
- case RT_BITMAP:
- process_bitmap(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- case RT_ICON:
- process_icon( infile );
- break;
- case RT_MENU:
- process_menu(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- case RT_DIALOG:
- process_dialog(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- case RT_STRING:
- process_string(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- case RT_FONTDIR:
- process_fontdir( infile );
- break;
- case RT_FONT:
- process_font(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- process_accelerator(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- case RT_RCDATA:
- process_rcdata(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- process_group_cursor(infile, outfile);
- break;
- process_group_icon(infile, outfile);
- break;
- /* name tables aren't used in Win3.1, so no predefined "RT_????" */
- case 15:
- process_name_table(infile, outfile);
- break;
- /* there doesn't seem to be an RT_????? for version info */
- case 16:
- process_version_info( infile, outfile);
- break;
- default:
- process_user_resource_num(restype, infile, outfile);
- break;
- }
- } /* process_resource_by_number - end */
- /***************************************************
- Process user-defined resource (by name)
- ****************************************************/
- void process_resource_by_name( BYTE ch, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) {
- long typeid_pos; /* file position of type id */
- long nameid_pos; /* file position of name id */
- typeid_pos = ftell(infile);
- /* Skip the resource name */
- fseek( infile, -1, 1);
- get_resource_name(infile);
- /* Get the name of the resource itself */
- write_resource_name(infile, outfile);
- nameid_pos = ftell(infile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- /* now go back to the resource name and print it out */
- fseek( infile, typeid_pos, 0);
- get_custom_type( ch, infile, outfile );
- fseek( infile, nameid_pos, 0);
- write_mem_flags(infile, outfile);
- write_char(' ', outfile);
- save_user_resource( infile, outfile );
- } /* process_resource_by_name - end */
- /***************************************************
- Check the parameters passed on program invokation
- ****************************************************/
- void check_usage(int argc) {
- if (argc != 3) {
- printf("Usage: res2rc <.res filename> <.rc output filename>\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- } /* check_usage - end */
- /***************************************************
- Write the header to the output file.
- ****************************************************/
- void write_header( char *infname, char *outfname, FILE *outfile ) {
- writeline( "//", outfile);
- writestring( "// ", outfile);
- writestring( outfname, outfile);
- writestring( " - resource file decompiled from ", outfile);
- writeline( infname, outfile);
- writeline( "//", outfile);
- writeline( "#include <windows.h>", outfile);
- } /* write_header - end */
- /***************************************************
- Check if input file is a Win32 resource file
- ****************************************************/
- void check_for_win32_res( FILE *infile ) {
- char ch;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- if(ch == 0x00) {
- printf("Input file is a Win32 .res file. Stopping.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- rewind(infile);
- } /* check_for_win32_res - end */
- /***************************************************
- Read .res file and process each resource.
- ****************************************************/
- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- FILE *infile;
- FILE *outfile;
- BYTE ch;
- check_usage(argc);
- if((infile = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Error: Unable to open input file.\nStopping.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- check_for_win32_res( infile );
- if((outfile = fopen(argv[2], "wb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Error: Unable to open output file.\nStopping.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- write_header( argv[1], argv[2], outfile );
- StringCount = 0;
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- while(!feof(infile)) {
- /* get the resource type */
- if(ch == 0xFF)
- process_resource_by_number(infile, outfile);
- else
- process_resource_by_name(ch, infile, outfile);
- ch = get_byte(infile);
- } /* while(not eof(infile)) - end */
- finish_off_stringtable(outfile);
- fclose(infile);
- return(0);
- } /* main - end */
- /* Res2Rc.c - end */